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Lipofilling Improved Pain and Function in Patients with Finger Osteoarthritis

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

People who suffer from painful arthritic fingers have few treatment options to choose from. They can wrap their hand in a splint, take anti-inflammatory drugs or get steroid injections into their finger joints – all of which provide only temporary relief. More invasive surgical treatments include joint fusions or reconstruction, which can impair hand motion and take weeks to recover from.

German researchers have found that a less invasive treatment commonly used in plastic surgery – injecting fat tissue from one part of the body into another -- can provide lasting improvements in pain and function for patients with finger osteoarthritis. The technique – called lipofilling – resulted in “highly significant clear improvement" with no complications in a small pilot study of 15 patients.     

"We believe that for our patients the reduction of pain represents the most striking and important result, which also has the most pronounced and highly significant effect," said co-author Max Meyer-Marcotty, MD, Clinic for Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery/Hand Surgery in Lüdenscheid, Germany.

"Even over a long-term follow-up, the transfer of fatty tissue to arthritic fingers joints appears to provide a safe and minimally invasive alternative to conventional surgery for patients with osteoarthritis.”

In the lipofilling procedure, Meyer-Marcotty and his colleagues used liposuction to take a small sample of each patient's fatty tissue from their upper thigh or hip area. The autologous fat was then injected into their arthritic finger joints. Patients wore a splint around the treated fingers and took pain relievers for a week. There were no infections or other complications reported.

The researchers followed outcomes in 25 finger joints for an average of 44 months after treatment, and found that pain scores fell from a median of 6 (on a 10-point scale) before treatment to just 0.5 points at follow-up. Grip strength of the treated fingers approximately doubled, while fist closure and hand function performing everyday tasks also improved.

“Even after a follow-up examination period of 44 months, the transfer of fatty tissue to arthritic finger joints has shown itself to be a minimally invasive, safe, and promising alternative to conventional surgical techniques aimed at alleviating arthritic complaints, and one that among other things entails a highly significant improvement in postsurgical pain levels,” researchers reported in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. “Further long-term follow-up studies of even larger patient cohorts would be needed to further corroborate these initial positive findings.”

In recent years, lipofilling procedures have been increasingly used in plastic and reconstructive surgery, as well as stem cell therapy.

When injected into patients, mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) in fat tissue can regenerate damaged or diseased tissue, including cartilage in arthritic joints. A small 2019 study found that MSCs collected from a patient’s bone marrow can significantly reduce pain from knee osteoarthritis for up to a year.

Osteoarthritis is a progressive joint disorder caused by the inflammation of soft tissue, which leads to thinning of cartilage and joint damage in the knees, hips, fingers and spine.

"The chance to preserve the joint with a minimally invasive procedure is of particular interest in the early, albeit painful, phases of finger osteoarthritis," said Meyer-Marcotty. "Since the lipofilling procedure is nondestructive, conventional joint surgery can still be performed later, if needed."

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