Domestic Abuse Survivors Have Twice Risk of Fibromyalgia

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor  

Ava Shypula had a difficult childhood growing up in communist Poland. She was physically abused by her father and was left home alone for hours, sometimes days at a time. Ava became chronically ill at a young age. 

“My symptoms began very early, almost as far as I remember. They started with joint pain, chills and constant flu like symptoms, with a sore, inflamed throat,” Ava recalls. 

Even after marrying a doctor and leaving Poland to begin a new life in New York City, Ava’s symptoms persisted. 

“My then-husband ignored my symptoms, focusing on his own career and studying in order to re-certify his medical diploma,” she said. “The fear of failure, pride and ambition to succeed only advanced the illness, which at that time was diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome.” 

Only after her marriage ended in a nasty divorce did Ava begin to understand her illness and the role played by stress. She was diagnosed with fibromyalgia – a poorly understood disease characterized by widespread body pain, fatigue, poor sleep, anxiety and depression. 

A neurologist prescribed Lyrica and Ava’s symptoms began improving. 

“For many years women with undiagnosed fibromyalgia had been dismissed as hysterics having emotional issues,” she said. “Together with a fantastic help from my psychiatrist, my symptoms slowly but noticeably diminished, not fully, but they have become more manageable.”

Abuse Causes Physical and Psychological Stress

Ava Shypula’s story is not unique. In fact, it is all too common, according to a large new study that found female survivors of domestic abuse have nearly twice the risk of developing widespread body pain and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Researchers at the Universities of Birmingham and Warwick in the UK examined the medical records of over 18,500 women who suffered domestic abuse and compared them to 74,000 women who did not. Health data was collected from 1995 to 2017.

The study, published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, is one of the first designed to assess the relationship between women who have been abused and the likelihood of them developing long-term illnesses such as fibromyalgia.

"Survivors of domestic abuse can experience immense physiological and psychological stress,” said Professor Julie Taylor of the University of Birmingham's School of Nursing. “The changes that happen in the body as a result of such stress can lead to a multitude of poor health outcomes such as what we see in our study here.

"This is a very complex relationship and it is important to emphasize that not all women who have been abused will develop fibromyalgia or CFS, and that having these conditions does not mean there has been domestic abuse in the past."

Previous research has found that about one in every four women in the UK have experienced some form of domestic abuse, with a large proportion of those cases being violence at the hands of an intimate partner. Globally, about one in three women suffer domestic abuse.

"Considering the prevalence of domestic abuse, and the fact that patients experiencing fibromyalgia and CFS often face delays in diagnosis due to a limited understanding generally of how these conditions are caused, it is important for clinicians to bear in mind that women who have survived abuse are at a greater risk of these conditions,” said Dr. Joht Singh Chandan of the University of Birmingham's Institute of Applied Health Research and Warwick Medical School.

"We hope these first of their kind research findings will change healthcare practice and will be of assistance in the early diagnosis of fibromyalgia and CFS in women who have been abused."

Ava Shypula hopes that sharing her story will help other women understand their illness, get treatment and make lifestyle changes to reduce stress. She’s learned that avoiding cold temperatures, staying warm and getting a good night’s sleep will reduce her symptoms. 

“Encourage them to fight back instead of resigning and living with pity and depression, which I have experienced at different points of my life,” she told PNN. “I have found that emotional support plays a major role to fight with this illness.”