Few Patients on Long-Term Opioids Engage in Risky Behavior

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Only a small percentage of pain patients on long-term opioid therapy ask for higher doses, renew their prescriptions early or divert their medication to another person, according to a new study that challenges many common assumptions about prescription opioids.

For five years, Australian researchers followed over 1,500 patients taking opioid pain medication, with annual interviews asking them about their opioid use and behavior. The study is believed to be the first of its kind to follow patients on opioid therapy for such a long period.   

Most of the patients suffered from chronic back, neck or arthritis pain, and were taking opioids for at least 6 weeks at the start of the study, including about 15% who were taking high doses exceeding 200 MME (morphine milligram equivalent) per day. The CDC opioid guideline recommends that daily doses not exceed 90 MME.  

Researchers found that “problematic opioid use” was infrequent and steadily declined over time, with less than 10% of patients asking for higher doses or for a prescription to be renewed early. Less than 5% of patients tampered with their medications or diverted them to another person.     

“Contrary to the predominant thinking in pain management, the findings of this study suggest considerable fluidity in opioid use over time among many patients with CNCP (chronic non-cancer pain) who use opioids,” wrote lead author Louisa Degenhardt, PhD, Deputy Director of the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at University of New South Wales.

By the end of the study, patients were more likely to have stopped taking opioids (20%) than they were to be diagnosed with opioid dependence (8%), suggesting that long-term opioid use does not always lead to dependence or addiction. Even when they were diagnosed as opioid dependent, most patients did not meet the criteria for dependence the following year, suggesting the original diagnosis was faulty.

JAMA Network Open

JAMA Network Open

Researchers noted there was “substantial variation” in how patients answered questions from year to year about their opioid use and behavior. Most who reported risky behavior did so in only one of the annual interviews.  

This finding challenges a common view that the risk of opioid-related behaviors is static and that risk assessment at the start of opioid treatment can predict which patients will develop opioid use disorder,” researchers concluded in JAMA Network Open. “By contrast, individuals who engage in opioid-related behaviors change over time, which also suggests that opioid behaviors of concern need not persist.”

“This study shows what most clinicians treating CNCP with opioids already know, which is that most individuals do fine with chronic opioid therapy. It is only a few people who develop a problem, and that can’t be easily predicted based on a person's early behaviors associated with opioids prescribed for pain,” said Dr. Lynn Webster, a PNN columnist and past president of the American Academy of Pain Medicine.

“It refutes the argument that patients on chronic opioid therapy inevitably will abuse, become addicted, or never cease using opioids once started.” 

Webster noted that most people in the study were stable and few demonstrated any abuse or harm from opioids, including those on high doses who were less likely to ask for more medication.

“I think the overriding message of this study is that the one-size-fits all approach to using opioids for CNCP is flawed. The idea that everyone should be at a low level doesn't address individual needs,” Webster said.

No Relationship Between Rx Opioids and Injury Deaths

Another new study that challenges conventional thinking about prescription opioids found that high doses are not associated with higher rates of trauma-related death.

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University looked at mortality rates in all 50 states from 2006 to 2017, comparing them to the amount of opioids prescribed during the same period.

The researchers believed they would find a relationship between opioids and higher death rates. Their theory was that people on opioids were more likely to be impaired, which would lead to more car crashes, accidents, drownings, suicides and other types of trauma death.

But in findings reported in the journal Injury, there was no association between the two.

“In every state examined, there was no consistent relationship between the amount of prescription opioids delivered and total injury-related mortality or any subgroups, suggesting that there is not a direct association between prescription opioids and injury-related mortality,” wrote lead author Esther Tseng, MD, a trauma surgeon and professor at CWRU.

It's important to note that Tseng and her colleagues did not look at fatal overdoses caused by prescription opioids. Previous research by the CDC has found that deaths linked to opioid pain medication have been relatively flat for nearly a decade. The vast majority of overdoses involve illicit fentanyl and other street drugs.    

‘Cannabis Tourism’ Linked to More Fatal Accidents

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Has marijuana legalization made driving more dangerous?  There have been conflicting claims over the years that states where cannabis is legal have more car crashes. And one recent study found that over half of medical cannabis users drive while impaired.

A new study adds a little more clarity to the issue.

Researchers at Monash University in Australia looked at traffic fatalities in three U.S. states where recreational cannabis was legalized (Colorado, Washington and Oregon), and in eight neighboring states and British Columbia.

They found there was an average of one additional traffic fatality for every million residents. That may not sound like much, but when you consider there were 27 million people in the affected areas, it adds up to 170 additional deaths in the first six months after legalization.

Many of the additional deaths were attributed to “cannabis tourism” in which people in neighboring states and provinces purchased recreational cannabis in legalized states and then drove home while under the influence.

"The results suggest that legalizing the sale of cannabis for recreational use can lead to a temporary increase in traffic fatalities in legalizing states. This spills over into neighboring jurisdictions through cross-border sales, trafficking, or cannabis tourists driving back to their state of residence while impaired,” says lead author Tyler Lane, PhD, a postdoctoral research Fellow at Monash.

"Our findings suggest that policymakers should consult with neighboring jurisdictions when liberalizing cannabis policy to mitigate any deleterious effects."

Because the increase in fatalities was temporary, Lane believes it could be due to an initial “celebratory response to legalization” that contributes to cannabis tourism. His study was published in the journal Addiction.

Fatalities Drop in Medical Cannabis States

While fatalities rose in states with recreational cannabis, Lane notes that previous research has found a decrease in traffic fatalities in states that legalized medical marijuana. That may be because patients may be substituting cannabis for alcohol and other controlled substances used to relieve symptoms.

“There seem to be differences between medicinal and recreational user consumption patterns. Medicinal users have a tendency to substitute, but recreational users are more likely to treat alcohol and cannabis as complements and use them together,” Lane said in an email to PNN. 

“Because marijuana on its own is less impairing than alcohol, and combined used is much more impairing than either in isolation, it suggests that when people substitute alcohol for cannabis (in the medicinal use context), they will still be impaired, but to a much lower degree than if they were still using alcohol.” 

This “harm reduction role” of medical cannabis was noted in a 2016 Canadian study that found patients reduced their use of alcohol, illicit drugs and prescription drugs when cannabis was taken for medical reasons. 

Medical marijuana is currently legal in 33 states and Washington DC, and ten states allow its recreational use.