Gabapentinoids Involved in a Third of Overdoses in Scotland

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

A new study in Scotland is shining more light on the risks of overprescribing gabapentin (Neurontin) and pregabalin (Lyrica). The two drugs belong to a class of nerve medication called gabapentinoids, which are increasingly prescribed in Western nations to treat chronic pain.

In 2018, there were 1,187 accidental drug-related deaths (DRDs) in Scotland – the highest overdose rate in the European Union — and gabapentinoids were involved in about a third of them.

According to research published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia, gabapentin was implicated in 15.2% of fatal overdoses in Scotland, while pregabalin was linked to 16.5% of drug deaths. That’s up from 3% and 1% of fatal overdoses, respectively, in 2012.

Researchers say deaths involving gabapentinoids are rising because they are frequently co-prescribed with opioids and other medications that depress the central nervous system and raise the risk of overdose. Drug diversion also plays a role.

“Gabapentinoid prescribing has increased dramatically since 2006, as have dangerous co-prescribing and death. Older people, women, and those living in deprived areas were particularly likely to receive prescriptions. Their contribution to DRDs may be more related to illegal use with diversion of prescribed medication,” wrote lead author Nicola Torrance, PhD, Senior Research Fellow at the School of Nursing & Midwifery, Robert Gordon University, in Aberdeen, Scotland.

From 2006 to 2016, the number of pregabalin prescriptions in Scotland rose by an astounding 1,600 percent, while prescriptions for gabapentin quadrupled. About 60% of the time, gabapentin was co-prescribed with an opioid, benzodiazepines or both.  

Gabapentinoids are also showing up in Scotland’s illicit drug supply. Drug users have found they can heighten the effects of heroin, marijuana, cocaine and other substances. In the Scottish region of Tayside, gabapentinoids were involved in 39% of drug deaths. About three out of four of those overdose victims did not have a prescription for the drug.

In addition to overdoses, gabapentinoids have also been associated with increased risk of suicidal behavior, accidental injuries, traffic accidents and violent crime. UK health officials were so alarmed by misuse of the drugs and the rising number of deaths that gabapentin and pregabalin were reclassified as controlled substances in 2019.

Gabapentin is not currently scheduled as a federally controlled substance in the United States, but pregabalin is classified as a Schedule V controlled substance, meaning it has low potential for addiction and abuse.  

A 2019 clinical review found little evidence that gabapentinoids should be used off-label to treat pain and that prescribing guidelines often exaggerate their effectiveness. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration also recently warned that serious breathing problems can occur in patients who take gabapentin or pregabalin with opioids or other drugs that depress the central nervous system.