Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help 

By Barby Ingle, PNN Columnist

We all have lives to lead and sometimes we must focus on ourselves before we can help others. There's nothing wrong with that.

But what if your health (or lack thereof) prevents you from accomplishing something good for yourself and others? What can we do to become more independent and productive while living with a chronic pain condition or disease? 

Here are three things to consider:

  1. Social isolation is not healthy

  2. Independence can be healthy

  3. It's okay to ask for help  

One of the people in my life is the most independent person I know. “Em” only asks for help when she needs it, but often fails to recognize when the need arises. If Em asked for help more often, things might have gone differently in her life and been much easier.

I've been thinking about this recently. I've been balancing my need for independence as a person in pain with my desire to be more open with people. We all want to feel more independent from our caregivers, family and friends. But we also want to stay connected. Seeing some of the challenges in Em’s life reminds me to ask for help more often.

In my books and columns, I have freely shared my life experiences, tips, tools and resources to help others. That helps me feel open and transparent, but it's usually about things I have been through and already found solutions for. When faced with a new challenge, I recognize that I isolate more than I should.

Like my friend Em, I need to find more ways to connect and ask for help when needed. We all need support from others, even if it's just someone listening or offering advice on handling a situation.

When I’ve asked for help, it didn't always go how I envisioned. I may have asked the wrong person for support or had expectations I put on that person that they could not live up to. I had to learn to be okay with the service they offered, rather than be upset and sad when they could not provide what I expected.

The more I learned about their strengths and what they could do, the better I felt asking for their assistance. Asking for help shows that I trust them enough to let them into my world. When you ask for help, you are not weak. You are human.

Asking is not always easy. You have to stop pretending that you can handle everything yourself and that everything is fine. You need to accept the support of your friends and family without feeling like you’re burdening them or making them feel bad about themselves. Asking shows them how much they mean to you.

Here is an excellent example of a recent conversation I had with Em about a friend who wanted to be more social and live life more fully. Em recognized her own limitations. 

"She asked me to meet with her more regularly. Saying she needs people in her life at this difficult time. I am unable to 'be there' for people. I am okay with hanging out occasionally, but I barely have the energy to do basic things each day," Em told me.

My response to Em was this:

"I get it. Explain that you are a chronically ill patient and enjoy connecting when you are up to it, but physically hanging out or texting, talking and engaging cognitively takes a toll on your energy and health. You understand her desire to remain social and the life challenges it takes to follow through. You do best by text, when you have the flexibility and health to answer. You understand her need to be flexible too. She will be in your prayers. Tell her not to be upset if you have to turn down an invite. It doesn't mean you don't want to connect, just that you will participate when you can." 

We must learn how to manage our emotions better so that they don't rule our lives. That means taking a step back so that we don't make decisions while in the middle of a panic attack or depressive episode. And sometimes we just need to hear the answer and decide what to do with it.

Asking for help is complex and we won’t always get what we want. At the same time, we have to step out of our discomfort to make social connections, take down our protective walls, and connect with humanity. Being your best advocate, having others in your life, and maintaining boundaries will help you live life to the fullest. 

Barby Ingle is a reality TV personality living with multiple rare and chronic diseases. She is a chronic pain educator, patient advocate, motivational speaker, and best-selling author on pain topics. Barby has received over 25 awards for her advocacy efforts. You can follow her at www.barbyingle.com