Electro-Medical Therapy Can Help Treat Intractable Pain

By Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist

To maximize relief and recovery from Intractable Pain Syndrome (IPS), it is advisable to employ one or more electro-medical (EM) therapies. All persons with IPS are highly encouraged to try a variety of EM therapies, but only as an adjunct or add-on to their current medical treatment.

Electric Current Devices

Electric current (EC) therapy is probably the best known of the EM therapies. Electric currents primarily have an anesthetic effect, much like a local anesthetic such as lidocaine. They anesthetize nerves or spinal cord nerve roots and provide temporary pain relief. In some cases, EC therapy may even bring about long-term pain relief because electric currents sometimes reset electrical conduction of nerves.

EC devices can vary, like light bulbs, in power and frequency. One advance is called “micro current.” This is a low power frequency in which the current can be transmitted through the earlobe or scalp to treat headaches or central pain.

Electric currents of various powers and frequencies are now combined in products and devices such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators (TENS units), Calmare “Scrambler” therapy, and spinal cord stimulators. Devices with multiple currents usually bring a superior result compared to a single current device.

Unfortunately, only a therapeutic trial will tell you which EC therapy will help you. Many self-help TENS units are available for home use, and they should be tried. All persons who have IPS from a stroke or traumatic brain injury should consider a trial with micro-current therapy.

If you find an EC device that gives you relief, don’t use it every day. As with drugs, you may become tolerant, and the device will become ineffective. Give at least a day between treatments.

Electromagnetic Devices

Electromagnetic (EMT) devices are new to pain treatment and are quite different from EC devices because they use energy that is 50% electric and 50% magnetic. The energy is comprised of sub-atomic particles not usually visible to the naked eye.

EMT energy is generated by devices that manipulate the electric current that is found in every battery or household electrical socket. The energy is condensed into a wave that can be sent into human tissue with a transmitter wand, probe or plate. The energy wave can be administered in different frequencies and wave lengths that vary from a very slow, long wave to a very fast, short wave.

The three major types of EMT are laser, infrared and radio. Infrared is a low-frequency long wave, while radio has long, slow waves. Lasers can put out infrared waves, and also emit visible high energy frequencies which can cut, dissolve or ablate tissue.

In medical administration, long slow waves may penetrate several inches into the human body, while the short high frequency waves of laser and infrared will not normally penetrate human tissue by more than an inch. Some devices pulse the waves to get deeper tissue penetration. These devices are known as “Pulsed Electromagnetic Energy Frequency“ or PEMF.

Lasers may be able to totally remove or dissolve a pain “trigger.” For example, an experienced practitioner may be able to identify a pain trigger along the spine, or neuropathy in the face or extremity, and actually cure the condition with laser treatment.

Infrared is the most effective EMT for pain relief of a recent injury to the spine, joint or soft tissue. It is quite effective for contusions or joint swelling. Infrared can also help drive medication through the skin, so it is very effective if a cortisone cream is applied to the skin during infrared treatment.

Radio waves penetrate deeply. Their best use appears to be for spinal conditions, including herniated discs and other spinal inflammatory conditions, such as arachnoiditis. Deep penetrating radio waves will probably, at least in some cases, reach the interior of the spinal canal.

Major Take Home Point

Patients with IPS are constantly bombarded with the pitch that they need an electromagnetic “savior” such as an implanted electrical stimulator, or an expensive multi-electric current or electromagnetic course of treatment. The parties who sell and promote these devices are invariably unknowledgeable about the serious, relatively rare condition of IPS.

EC and EMT devices are made for acute or short-term pain and injury problems, not constant incurable pain with cardiovascular, endocrine and autoimmune complications.

Implanted electrical stimulators may be a “godsend” to some IPS patients, but they may not work or even cause more pain for others. This is why trials are done prior to implantation. The big problem is that there is so much money to be made with implanted stimulators that some unethical practitioners don’t tell you that they are mainly for breakthrough or flare pain.

There are many risks to implanted stimulators, so every IPS patient needs to remain on a 3-component medical program that combines suppression of inflammation, repair of damaged tissue and pain control.

Once you are on this 3-component protocol and have a good nutritional and physical program solidly in place, then give electromedical measures a try. Simple measures like water soaking or magnets may  also be very helpful. Electromagnetic administration is relatively new and shows great promise!

Forest Tennant is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on intractable pain and arachnoiditis. This column is adapted from newsletters recently issued by the IPS Research and Education Project of the Tennant Foundation. Readers interested in subscribing to the newsletter can sign up by clicking here.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.